Our Online Courses
All Online Courses now include Open Feedback!

by Jordan Barg
13 hr
Conquering the Tower of Polish
This course is all about polish: what it is, and what it isn’t. It’s not about saving your shot, but elevating it and getting the most out of your ideas. A very interactive and hands on class to make sure your creative choices are shining in the best light possible.

by Jorge Vigara
+ 30 hr
Sparkling the Cartoon
In early 2020 we hosted an event called "Sparkling the Cartoon" in which Jorge Vigara reproduced his real workflow for the creation of a cartoon acting shot. These are recordings of a live process - meaning no cuts, no speeds up.
* We are working in optimizing this course to make your Online Courses Experience more enjoyable.
by Stephen Eusebio

17 hr
Dynamic Action WKSH
This workshop is much more than just body mechanics exercises. We’ll put all that you’ve learned up to this point into the creation of an action shot making it look and feel awesome!
* We are working in optimizing this course to make your Online Courses Experience more enjoyable.
by Scott Wright

15 hr
2d Power Ups for 3d animators
In this course we will explore how traditional drawing and design principles can be used to create extraordinary 3-D animation and take your animation skills to new heights.
* We are working in optimizing this course to make your Online Courses Experience more enjoyable.
by Kevin Nguyen

17 hr
Hybrid Workflow
In this course, Kevin will give you a systematic approach that includes the old school ways that 2d animators used and the new workflows that take advantage of the computer and make the program work for you.
* We are working in optimizing this course to make your Online Courses Experience more enjoyable.
by Stephen Eusebio

19.5 hr
Let's deep dive into the principle of Animation of Arcs and how it relates to other series of techniques and workflow to help you achieve amazing flow and appealing motion.
* We are working in optimizing this course to make your Online Courses Experience more enjoyable.
by Kevin Nguyen

17 hr
DIY animation
In this course we teach you a way to Self-Learn animation by analyzing, discovering and replicating the secrets hidden in animated shots from recognized artists.
* We are working in optimizing this course to make your Online Courses Experience more enjoyable.
by Kevin Nguyen

17 hr
Close Up Facial Acting
In-depth crash course on close up in facial acting, from the chest up to the head. Understand core concepts of acting in live-action and how it applies to animation. Very close focus on the face and less on the body.
* We are working in optimizing this course to make your Online Courses Experience more enjoyable.

by Jorge Vigara
33 hr
La esencia de la animación 3d - Español
Un curso completo , lleno de las mejores técnicas de animación que Jorge ha acumulado en sus 15 años de animador profesional en cine. Realiza un plano a 2's y recibe feedback de tu plano personal !
* Estamos trabajando en optimizar este curso para que tu experiencia con nuestros Online Courses sea la mejor.

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Array of themes : Workflows, Techniques, Tips ...
Lectures, Demos and Applied Work Cases
+400 hours of learning content
Online Courses
Our longer courses split up into parts.

by Jorge Vigara
3 hr 30 min
The Essence of 3d animation - part 1
The animation essentials and preproduction.
In this first part is where we talk mostly about all the most important concepts to know : The importance of appeal, timing, workflow ... Also, we will talk about some core creative process to get genuine and fresh ideas in our animation and posing to plan our shots.
by Jorge Vigara

3 hr
The Essence of 3d animation - part 2
First blocking pass, flow and & entertainment.
In this second part we start our shot by posing the core poses. We will go through the main points we have to consider in also to get good appeal and start to work on some advanced points such as flow and entertainment value.

by Jorge Vigara
3 hr
MasterCartoon - shot #2
"Suspicious Looking. Close Up Shot" is about composing an interesting timing. Isolated animation. Focusing the work in a concrete part of the character. Medium complexity workflow and spline. Medium work frame by frame, adding extra push on breakdowns. Extreme pushing poses and snappiness.

by Jorge Vigara
6 hr 30 min
MasterCartoon - shot #3
"AGH! Scared Take" is about high performance in cartoon making for feature level. High complexity on workflow. First blocking pass, blocking advance and spline. High frame by frame detailed work. Big distortions, waves, and organic follow through work to add organicity.

by Jorge Vigara
2 hr 30 min
MasterCartoon - shot #4
" Flying Away" - Explore in this shot how we do a straight ahead animation. Going with the flow requieres a certain amount of experience and skillset to apply the techniques that we are already very familiar with, so this is a pure exercise of free style animation on the go. No planning. No set time range. Just go.

by Jorge Vigara
3 hr 20 min
MasterCartoon - shot #5
"Karate Moves" is about basic drills and tips to work on a shot done on 2's. Pose to pose workflow under the "limited animation" philosophy. How to plan your timing ahead for a good balance in snappiness/effective results. How to do poses for camera deformation . How to apply multiple limbs.